
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blogging Through the Alphabet: P is for Presentations

My kids are involved in a homeschool group with another family. They have five children homeschooling, and I have three, so eight children participate each month. We choose a topic, and each child spends the month researching a subtopic and making a presentation board. They give a short 3-5 minute presentation on their topic. Here is what we have done so far:

August: a book fair (each child chose their favorite book to do a presentation on)
September: a math fair (each child chose a math topic)
October: a science fair (science projects)
November: an art fair (each child chose an artist, a style of art, or anything to do with art)
December: We were going to do "Christmas Around the World" but we decided to take a month off.
January: a Bible fair (any topic, book, or character from the Bible)

I'm planning to do a geography fair, poetry fair, hobby fair, and then repeating the book or science fair to complete the months February through May.

We've had a really great time doing this. It's been good for my kids to learn how to speak in front of a group of people that isn't family. Mercie and Silas even gave presentations this month at our 4H meeting. We also have some sort of STEM activity at each meeting. One month they had to make army man launchers with just a handful of supplies, and another month they had to make the longest paper chain they could with just one sheet of paper, a foot of masking tape, and a pair of scissors . Last month, they had to build the tallest tower they could with just index cards and dot stickers. I think they enjoy the STEM activities more than the presentations!

Here are some pictures of some of our presentation boards:

And some pictures of our STEM activities:

Linking up with:

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  1. So much fun! We used to participate in a science fair and a geography fair each year with our homeschooling group.

  2. This is a really neat idea - allowing them to work on necessary skills like presenting, researching, etc. I like the ideas you have chosen, too. A wonderful variety.
