
Friday, December 30, 2016

Homeschool Goals for 2017

Homeschooling is pretty much my life right now. I have five kids ranging from 9th grade down to Preschool. I feel like my mind is running on "homeschool mode" constantly! It's a wonderful life to have, though. Here are my goals for the 2017 Homeschool Year.

  • Finish Bob Jones University with Mikaela and Eli. This curriculum has proven to be a challenge for them and for me! We have until the end of 2017 to finish the 9th and 7th grade courses, and there is no question in my mind that we will complete it. Before I ordered it, I made a promise to my husband that I would not switch or quit using it!
  • Teach Silas to read. Silas is 6 and 1/2, and he is still not reading. Sure, he can sound out some CVC words and recognize some sight words, but he cannot pick up a book and read yet. He has some speech issues which could be a hindrance.  I am not pressuring him, and we have been working steadily through the R.E.A.D. Curriculum. I am seeing some progress, but have decided to try Progressive Phonics with him. I've read so many great reviews about this FREE curriculum, so I printed off the first book for him to use. If he is reading by this time next year, I will be so happy.
  • Have a dedicated "Preschool Hour" each day. I plan to start having time with Titus each day one-on-one. An hour would be the perfect amount of time for us! I plan to read books to him, work on his school, and play games without any interruptions.
  • Have all of my kids on the same school year. I would love to have all of my children on the same "school year". We used to be, but lately things have gotten a little mixed up. I started Mikaela and Eli on their new school year the end of November. Mercie is almost finished with 3rd grade. I really feel she could move right into 4th grade curriculum with no problem, as it will begin with review and 3rd grade ends with review. If she could be finished with 4th grade by this time next year, when Mikaela and Eli are finishing. Silas is moving into mostly 1st grade work, and Titus has been doing preschool for a while now. Hopefully, the beginning of 2018, Mikaela will be in 10th, Eli in 8th, Mercie in 5th, Silas in 2nd and Titus in Kindergarten.
  • Read more. We get so busy sometimes that I don't read aloud to my kids like I used to. Sure, we read the Bible and I read to the little ones, but I miss taking the time to read a chapter book to everyone! If I could read 4 books to the kids by this time next year, I will have met my goal in my eyes.
  • Give each child a "Focus Day" each week. I have five kids and there are five days in a week. Perfect! Each child will have one day that is their "Focus Day". I will review their work with them, work on any problems, help with a project, and just devote most of my "homeschool mom" attention to them that day. Not that I will ignore the other kids, but I think it will help each one to know they have a special day where mom gives them more attention during school hours. The "Focus Day" will only be for school work and extra-curricular activities such as piano or karate.
What are your Homeschool Goals for 2017?


  1. I feel like I am running in homeschool mode too - such is the life of a homeschool mom. ♥ I love the idea of focus day!

    I'm a numbers girl and I like things to come out even, too. I like to say it's the Monk in me. :) I feel more at peace the second time around though (homeschooling my 2nd set of kids) - more relaxed and in less of a hurry. They grow up so fast as it is. Trust me. ♥

    I haven't set any goals yet for homeschool - except to finish Prairie Primer and our basic academic requirements. And maybe plan for our next school year? I am in thinking mode though!

  2. I love the idea of a focus day!

  3. One of my big goals this year are to not rush through the day. It's harder when I have one very schedule oriented kid and another who goes with the flow. I am going to try to keep afternoon commitments to a minimum so we can enjoy the day without speeding through it to get to where we are going. Your post has me thinking I need to write a similar list. Thank you for sharing!

  4. While pretty much couch bound, I've had a lot of homeschool thoughts whirling inside my head for the upcoming years. I want to have a road map to continue keeping my girls together for the next 2 years beyond this school year (before my daughter enters the high school years). It's been a bit scary to think of it because 2 1/2 years sounds so short now.
