
Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekly Recap

We had a super busy week this week. We had appointments every single day! A doctor visit on Monday for Mikaela and Tuesday for Eli, the dentist on Thursday and Friday for all of us, as we are catching up on cleanings and fillings. Eli and Silas had karate on Monday and Wednesday, and Mercie started gymnastics on Thursday.
{ Lunch at the park after 3 1/2 hours at the dentist...waiting for gymnastics to start. }

We still managed to get a full week of school in, though!

Mikaela and Eli learned about pre-writing and drafting this week in our Writer's Workshop. They leaned about ten different types of "hooks" and had to give me examples for each. We learned about the S.E.E. method of writing - State, Elaborate, Exemplify. They had "homework" over the weekend - write a paragraph using the S.E.E. method.

In science, we are reading through the Ecology book from Master Books. We learned about harmony in nature, hybridization and population in ecosystems.

They each completed a unit in America the Beautiful, 5 lessons in Principals of Mathematics and an entire lesson in Learning Language Arts Through Literature.

Mercie started reading Charlotte's Web and completing a book study that I am creating for her. She completed Unit 19 in Learning Language Arts Through Literature, a chapter in Math Lessons for a Living Education, wrote in her journal each day, and drilled herself on addition facts with flash cards.

Silas learned the -at word family this week and the sight words "is" and "my". He had a lot of fun with his worksheets and games. We played bingo with dinosaurs and his flashcards, which was a big hit for him. He completed a chapter and a half in Math Lessons for a Living Education. His handwriting is integrated in his reading lessons each day and is improving so much!

Titus learned the color orange, shape oval, letter D, and number 4. He loves using his interactive journal {a spiral notebook full of fun activities} and his Leap Frog Skills workbook.

{ Our new to us table! Look how big it is. Our entire family can sit around it and eat with plenty of room. Homeschooling has been made so easy! No crowding. }

We had a fun week! How was yours?


  1. That does sound busy! But it also sounds so great.

  2. Busy week with lots of learning. And it sounds like lots of fun too. :-)

  3. Looks like fun! We had a few weeks with appointments like that. Phew! Glad it was over.

  4. Goodness! I get just how busy you were. We had appointments (dentist, eye doctor, etc.) this week as well. Four days of it! Crazy how that can knock you off or make the kiddos work that much more diligently. Looks like you all had a great week despite the craziness of it all! - Lori

  5. Sounds like a busy but great week. I only have one child so I can only imagine. Love your big table!

  6. I'm finally able to make the rounds and visit! I've missed stopping by. Beautiful, big table! I'm sure it will provide many memorable moments together. And I thought I was busy, but after reading your post, you passed me on the busy scale :)
