
Friday, June 3, 2016

Weekly Recap

I'm hoping to start posting a Weekly Recap every Friday or Saturday. I enjoy going back and reading about everything we've learned and experienced each week.

  • We haven't started back with our schoolwork yet, although the kids have had a few review items for the Crew we've had to keep up with. Silas has been using a handwriting book from Laurelwood Books, Mercie has been using a Progeny Press study guide with the book "Minstrel in the Tower", and Mikaela and Eli have been using some United States Facts pages from Notebooking Pages {reviews on all of these to come}.
  • We went to my parent's house on Monday and grilled hamburgers while the kids went swimming. It was a HOT day, but we had a blast! My sister and her family came, too.
  • I've been in full-planning mode the past few weeks! Printing off lesson plans and worksheets for Story of the World and The World Around Me...getting binders and papers ready...ordering and receiving wonderful books and curriculum in the mail...I love it!
  • Rod and I { I say "I" loosely} have been remodeling our camper a bit. "We" built another set of bunks for the boys and a small desk for their computer work. Rod is one of those "I can do anything" men...he seriously can DO ANYTHING. He has been building fences for our cows, buying more cows, running water lines to their water troughs, changing my tires on my Yukon XL, working on the camper brakes...I'm a very blessed woman!
  • Eli and Silas had a karate rank test this week. Eli is now an orange belt, and Silas is a yellow belt! It's so fun to watch them each week. Karate is Monday and Wednesday each week.
  • Cleaning and organizing have taken over my life this week! I have been scrubbing and cleaning the camper and my house, trying to figure out what will fit in the camper, where everything is going to go, and so forth. Exhausting!
  • Rod and I have decided that Mikaela and Eli will stay with my parents for about a month when we go to North Dakota. My parents will bring them up the first of July, and we will start school then. Although, the younger ones will start as soon as we get there. They do better with a routine.
So, that was our week! How was yours?


  1. You truly are a very blessed woman!

    I'm assuming the cattle don't travel with you. :)

    1. Lol! No cattle will be traveling with us! His dad and best friend take care of them while we are gone.

  2. Busy, busy! Praying you enjoy your next travel adventure.
