
Thursday, April 21, 2016

God's Little Explorers - Week One: "X"

I started using "God's Little Explorers" with Titus. This is a preschool program written by a homeschool mom that incorporates a lot of Charlotte Mason philosophies. The curriculum doesn't teach the alphabet in order; rather, it teaches the Bible in order and the alphabet revolves around God's Word. The letter for Week One was "X" - how appropriate, since that's the letter I am on for Blogging Through the Alphabet!

Silas, my 5 year old, has joined Titus, 3, this week. It is such a fun, sweet,hands-on curriculum that only takes us 15-30 minutes a day to complete. For the letter X this week we:

had a treasure hunt and found the items the boys would need for their "Explorer Kits" - magnifying glass, flashlight, markers, crayons, glue stick, and scissors

"dug" for buried treasure in rice - beads and candy

talked about God's Word being the ultimate treasure

made X's and rectangles with craft sticks

drew X's

sang the B-I-B-L-E

made a treasure box out of paper and plastic gems

decorated our "Explorer Kits" with duct tape

wrote X's and drew a treasure map

made a treasure map of out a paper bag for our adventure {we added the Bible this week, and will add something each week}

We had a great week and I look forward to next week!