
Saturday, April 30, 2016

1st Grade Curriculum Choices: 2016-2017

Silas will be in 1st grade next year! It's such an exciting age, when they're learning to read and starting to learn so much more! Here are our choices for 1st grade!

PHONICS/READING: Logic of English's Foundations. We are currently over half-way through with Foundations A, and I plan to move right through B, C, and D! I love this phonics program, and Silas is really doing well with it.

Foundations A-B Complete Set

MATH: We are using Math-U-See Primer, and when he finished we will move into Math-U-See Alpha. This also works well for Silas!

Math-U-See Alpha

SCIENCE: Silas will be using "The World Around Me" by Winter Promise. This will be our first experience with Winter Promise, and I'm excited! Their programs look fantastic.


HISTORY: Silas will be listening in to Story of the World Volume 1 with Mercie. I will be purchasing picture books for him that correspond with the lesson for the week. He will participate in mapping and Notebooking with the rest of us.

HANDWRITING: Silas will use A Reason for Handwriting K. His handwriting is not that good yet.

A Reason For Handwriting: Kindergarten--Student Worktext
I expect we'll have a wonderful 1st grade year! What are your 1st grade curriculum choices?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have done your homework and are ready for next year.

    May you enjoy teaching it, too!
    Happy Homeschooling!
