
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Homeschool Journal for Creative Girls

Last week, I changed the direction and vision for our homeschool from a boxed curriculum to interest-led or delight-directed learning. We had the opportunity to review these homeschool journals from Sarah Brown, and they have been just what we need! There is just enough instruction that I don't worry the kiddos aren't "doing enough", but it leaves them plenty of room to explore and learn what interests them.

I am going to do a full review in a few weeks, but I just couldn't resist showing what Mercie has been doing in her journal! She is my 7 year old, 2nd grader. She has never been interested in history, but she got a book from the library called, "One-Minute Tales of American Heroes." She read a story about Pocahontas and bam, an interest was sparked. I totally grabbed this by two hands and have directed her a little more into the topic of Indians. She loves it.

We have made Indian jewelry with dyed pasta and an Indian medicine bag out of a paper sack. I have plenty more activities pinned!

She picked out a few more books from the library on Pocahontas {after insisting we go back to the library} and even made her "draw anything" page in her journal about Pocahontas! Here are a few pictures of these beautiful journals.
She watched a YouTube video on Pocahontas one day, and one on Indians another.
There is a Film Study journal page every few days to complete.

She reads 4 books a day, 15 minutes each, and then she draws or writes what she learned.

She loves drawing meal plans!

She loves doing spelling this way, and so do my other kids! They find 20 words with a certain amount of letters from one of their books.

We made Indian necklaces from dyed pasta!

She also enjoys writing recipes for us to try.

On her "Draw Anything" page, she drew Pocahontas and wrote facts about her.
"Her name means playful." "1595 was when she was born." "She was a brave woman." "She met King James."
I could show you many more pictures of the journals, but I will restrain myself! They are so perfect for the education I want to give my children. I am so excited to see them ignite a flame and fan it!
{We are also using our regular math, grammar, and cursive programs.}
Check out her journals on Amazon or her website, Here is the journal Mercie is using:
I will be hosting a giveaway soon, and will be reviewing several more journals! Stop back by!


  1. Great post and love all the creativeness going on at your house. I'd love it if my boys actually colored some of their pages. They are so beautiful. I might just start grabbing their journals and adding some color myself. The pages keep calling me, lol.

    Great job mama!

    1. Thank you, Linda! My girls are much better at wanting to color every page than my 10 year old son. Now, my 3 year old thinks his book is a coloring book, lol! I have to hide it from him!

    2. I saw on Google+ your cute little guy coloring his journal. Sarah would love that! He's adorable. And those chubby little arms, awe, I remember when my kids were that age.

  2. The more I see these in use, the more I'm excited to implement into our school days. Thank you for sharing her sweet journal pages.

    1. The journals are awesome! They have been such am asset to our homeschool day! Do you have a blog? I can't seem to find one...

    2. You can read her awesome posts here:

      Very encouraging blog.

  3. Megan, with the comments, how did you make it so people can reply under a certain comment?

    I'd like my blog to do that. It's so much easier to "chat" with others.

  4. Replies
    1. They are perfect for interest led learning! It doesn't feel like school at all!
