
Friday, September 25, 2015

Heart of Dakota: Week in Review {September 21-25, 2015}

This week, we completed Unit 9 in Bigger Hearts for His Glory and Little Hearts for His Glory. I know I post a lot of pictures, but we have so much fun and fit in so much learning in each day. I really don't even post pictures of everything we do! So, here goes...

Bigger Hearts {unit 9}:

We learned all about Benjamin Franklin this week in science and history. One thing I love about Heart of Dakota, is that the science and history are intertwined. History is also presented from a biographical perspective, which makes it much more interesting. Anyway, we read about Ben's childhood, his inventions, and his contributions to Colonial American science.

Eli and Mercie completed a notebook page about Ben:

I had them read Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin. This book was really interesting, and taught them all about Ben's crazy, yet practical inventions.
they also made a science notebook page about Ben. They copied Job 37:11-12, and then drew a picture of one of Benjamin's experiments. Mercie drew the kite experiment, and Eli drew the lightning rod experiment.

We attempted to do an experiment with balloons on static electricity. Our balloons were NOT working right! We were supposed to rub the balloons on our shirts, and then rub them together to see sparks. We tried rubbing them everywhere, but we could never see sparks. So, I did what any good homeschool mom would do. We YouTubed it! And then the kids completed their science experiment sheet.

Our poem this week was Consider. The kids illustrated their poem as always.

Our Character trait this week was thriftiness, and our scripture memory was Proverbs 15:16 and 17, "Better to have little with fear of the Lord, than to have great treasure with inner turmoil. A bowl of vegetables with those you love is better than a steak with someone you hate." I actually wrote that from memory, so another plus about HOD is that I am memorizing scripture right along with the kids.

We also made potato stamps and used paint to stamp a picture.

Our vocabulary words this week were lathe, molasses, and scour.

Here is what Eli did and learned in his extra science this week:

what makes up blood cells

vitamins and minerals and where to find them in food

food groups

the anatomy of the heart
Little Hearts for His Glory {unit9}:
Silas had a fun week. In math, we learned about geometric solids. I ordered this kit to help him visualize the shapes:
He does really well at matching and recognizing them, but can't remember the names.
He is still working on handwriting. Forming letters is really hard for him, but his other fine motor skills are developed well.
His memory verse was Philippians 2:14. He traced it and colored a picture.
In Bible, we learned about Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, and King Joash. He loved our Rhyme in Motion, Five Special Prophets. There were several fun activities this week. He pretended to be a raven and brought me bread {cotton balls}. He used a clothespin for a beak, and insisted on putting it in his mouth!

We made a Jonah craft and then performed a float or sink experiment.
He made a picture of heaven by dipping chalk into sugar water and drawing with it.
He also made a crown like the young, 7 year old king would have worn. Then, he hid while I searched for him.
I order him the All About Reading pre-reading level. It came in Thursday, and boy, do we love it. He already knew the letter A, but we went ahead and spent two days on it. He made his craft, we read a poem, and he used pipe cleaners to make an A.

He loves Ziggy the puppet, who helped us play a rhyming game with body parts! Ziggy would point to his arm, and call it a "farm". Silas would laugh and say, "No, my arm!" He still doesn't understand the concept of rhyming, although we are still working on it.
I have a feeling we are going to enjoy AAR. It did make phonics seem more fun to him.
And Titus, my 3 year old, was not left out. He tags along and does many crafts and experiments with us. I ordered an extra student packet for AAR, and he is learning along with Silas.



  1. Silas makes me laugh and smile all at the same time.. And Titus?? He is the cutest booger!

  2. We really loved the book Ben and Me! Looks like you had a fun week! Thanks for linking up at the HOD weekly check in.
