
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I recently bought a new devotion book for the younger 3 kids. It's called Five Minute Devotions for Children, and each devotion focuses on one animal. I decided to use it for a combined devotion/animal study. Silas and Mercie both enjoy learning about animals, and Titus {who is 3} is tagging along with us. The first week we read about frogs!
The title of the first devotions was Eggs, Polliwogs, and Frogs. It was really interesting how they tied it in to a devotion on growing and changing. The scripture was Luke 2:52, "So Jesus grew both in height, and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him."
We made a frog out of a green construction paper F, a few wiggly eyes, some red yarn, and a black sequin to be the fly! I thought this turned out cute.

Here are a few of the activities we did and glued into our new notebooks:
The frog life cycle:
The Five Speckled Frogs poem and the five speckled frogs sitting on a log!
Also, a mini book counting frogs from 1-5:
A frog color-by-number:
What does a frog eat? with insect clip art:

We had lots of fun doing this in the afternoons, and the kids enjoyed the extra time we spent together doing something. This week, we are reading about ants and have done even more activities!


  1. What a sweet devotional. Neat that they do animal studies as a focus. I love how they tied frogs into growing and changing. And the frog F is super cute. ♥

    1. Thank you. I was impressed with how well the Devotions tie in with animal facts.

  2. What a great frog lesson you came up with. We use to have that devotional. I wonder where it went :)
