
Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Favorites: 4th of July

We had a fairly easy week this week - a nice change from being so busy last month. Monday, I went to visit Mikenna and Daniel a bit before they went to my mom's house for a sleepover. 

Tuesday, we stayed home all day - that's a definite favorite! 

Wednesday, we met Mikaela and the kids at lunch for pizza - another favorite, especially for Zeke and Zoey. We also went to the store and got everything we needed for the Fourth. Daniel came home with us for a few hours to play. 

Thursday, we went down to our pond and grilled burgers, sausage, and hot dogs. I also had chips, baked beans, a fruit tray with pineapple, oranges, apples, grapes, and strawberries. I made cookies, too - peanut butter cookies with a Hershey kiss on top and some red, white, and blue sugar cookies. 

We invited our friends and neighbors, Kasey and Matt, with their three kids; my sister, Ashlie, and three of her kids; my brother-in-law and his wife, Cole and Abby, with their two kids; Mikaela and her two kids; my parents; and Mercie's boyfriend and his dad. Almost everyone swam in the pond, including me! (Zoey hated the pond, so my mom sat with her and Mikenna in the shade.) We had a blast - and I got sunburned! We stayed in the water close to three hours. It was 95 degrees and HOT. I'm so thankful for friends and family that I enjoy spending time with. It was my favorite part of the week, and one of my top days of the year so far.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Weekend Recap: Wrapping Up June

We had a great weekend to wrap up the month of June and welcome in the month of July!

Zeke finished his swimming lessons on Friday. He did such a great job this week! He is learning to doggy-paddle, can put his head all the way under now, and can swim by himself across the pool using a pool noodle. 

Saturday, we hung around the house and played outside. It was hot, so we stayed in the shade as much as possible. I finished Gendaling's stocking, except for adding the fuse stabilizer and sewing on the back, then adding her name in glitter glue. That won't take long at all!

My next project is this Nativity wreath! I'm excited about this one and plan to start today.

Sunday morning, some of the kids in our church played the handbells! They played "America the Beautiful" and "In the Garden." It was their first time playing, and they did such a great job!

Sunday evening, we went to a community fellowship at a duck lodge not far from our house. They had a big waterslide for the kids, lots of barbeque chicken and side dishes, and the best fireworks show I've ever seen! It was a fun evening, and we didn't get home until after 9:00 (which is late for us.)

From left to right
My sisters step-son Garret, my husbands 16 year old brother Ruben, Silas and Zeke, Mercie, Cole (the boyfriend), Titus, my niece Laylah

Mikaela, Kenneth, and the kids came in for the week, so we went to visit them this morning. It's so good to hug those little necks! Zeke and Zoey had fun playing with their toys. Something different always feels so fun, right?

How was your weekend?